social media

Z3 Project 2022 Marketing and Promo Video

Part 3 of the video marketing campaign created for the December 2022 Z3 Project conference in Palo Alto, CA. The strategy, which we designed during the pre-production phase, hit three major milestones ramping up to the December event:
• a re-cap of the previous event
• a save-the-date reminder for the upcoming conference
• a call-to-action for ticket sales

What's the takeaway? Your marketing and sales strategy should be integrated into your video production from the onset. Don't wait until you have the content to begin thinking about how your business will use it. Of course, stay flexible, be willing to adapt to changing market demands and customer needs, and remember that the magic happens in the editing room where anything becomes possible.

Now is Not the Time to Backoff.

A timely and relevant op-ed piece by political strategists David Axelrod and David Plouffe.

On the surface, this article is about politics. But replace "Joe Biden" with "your business," and what you have is a playbook for what every company (especially small and medium-sized companies) need to be doing right now: namely, leaning into their digital marketing and sharing their stories. Now is not the time to back off. If you do, you risk obsolescence amid the flurry of activity by others to corner markets in the online space. "The challenger needs to behave more like an insurgent…" Turn the tables on your competitors by taking action and not sitting idly by to see how things pan out. Be creative. Expand your reach. Carefully craft your messaging and content. Create a strategy rather than just throwing posts against the digital wall.

Fair Use for Online Video

Abiding by copyright and other IP laws is a requirement when creating and distributing content online content. The Center for Social Media, part of the School of Communication at American University, has produced a free resource to help individuals and firms navigate, in a more judicious way, the online world of sharing, re-posting, and copy & pasting.

You can download the Code of BestPractices in Fair Use for Online Video here or acquire it directly from their site at There is some other great content available on their website as well; take some time to peruse.